Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Ophiuchus (Oph)  ·  Contains:  44 b Oph  ·  B255  ·  B68  ·  B69  ·  B70  ·  B71  ·  B72  ·  B74  ·  The star 44Oph
From Namibian Sky #2: My God! - it's full of stars, Edoardo Luca Radice (Astroedo)
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From Namibian Sky #2: My God! - it's full of stars

From Namibian Sky #2: My God! - it's full of stars, Edoardo Luca Radice (Astroedo)
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From Namibian Sky #2: My God! - it's full of stars



Acquisition details



The title describe my toughs durin processing of this wonderful image.

Is the area of sky around the snake nebula: Barnard 72.

14 x 600 s shots with Canon EOS 5D @ 800 ISO and Takahashi FS152 apo refractor

From Tivoli Farm: Namibia

four hand processing by me and Lorenzo Comolli.

This image is a collaborative effort of the Namibia 2011 expedition. Processing: Lorenzo Comolli and Edoardo Radice. Images by: Lorenzo Comolli, Luigi Fontana, Giosuè Ghioldi, Emmanuele Sordini.


Sky plot

Sky plot


From Namibian Sky #2: My God! - it's full of stars, Edoardo Luca Radice (Astroedo)

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